My first full day "off" today in Baltimore had me on the phone, texting, setting up meetings, checking freelancer availabilities, turning down freelance work from other companies and getting FedEx info for sending out discs. Checking Animations for errors (found one!) revising and reposting, and coordinating others to send out the final delivered masters. Downloading and viewing boards, talking about them, and setting up 2 x phonecall meetings for tomorrow. (Whew.)
Christmas shopping for "ChristmasCrazyFest 2008" is officially done, as of 8:30 pm this evening. Probably the coldest day I could imagine, no less. (Although I can remember some cooooold days in High School Color Guard with the band for some St. Patricks Day Parades from hell!)
Although it's been stressful to manage, quite frankly I am relieved that it's happening... every year for the past 10 yeas has ended this way, and with the economy in total meltdown, I was getting nervous that this year's quiet phones were a sign of bad things to come. (I was reassuring myself that "steady" was the new "busy") But now I can sleep easy, knowing that all is right in the world, since my phone is melting and the office is on fire and everyone is in tears that I am not at the office for a few of the Holiest and most widely celebrated holidays in the United States.
No sweat.
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