Last night after class I had a pretty terrific email sitting in my "inbox." I was invited to be one of the judges for I.D. Magazine's Design Annual! I had been asked to judge another (smaller) competition earlier this year but was unable to do so because of their last-minute invitation (somebody famous had to back out at the last minute, and they needed a replacement!) but this is a much bigger deal.
I will be judging the interactive segment, which is both fun and curious, because while my training and early career experience was interactive, my niche for the past 10 years has pretty much been Motion Graphics. I think they liked that though, that I am not wholly consumed by the Interactive world but participate in the discipline of Design at large, and hopefully will bring a fresh pair of eyes and a fresh point of view to the category. (Hopefully nobody will see the Botox piece of $.H.I.T. I have been doing for the past year, lest they rescind the invitation!)
Needless to say, I was blown away and honored, and I RSVP'ed promptly for the date of February 26th to judge. I will post more as it develops, but for now I can just be pleased.
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