After a truly terrible end of the year (Botulism Toxin, et al) the last project of the year that snuck in was for Sony Music / Epic / Legacy and it was not only for my favorite band of all time, but for the MASSIVE anniversary re-release of their classic debut album!
We were hired to direct and animate a 60+ second animation showcasing everything that's in the massive box set. It's simple, and fun, and a really nice reminder why I like doing motion graphics. I can't post it yet (since it isn't officially approved yet) but once it is, I will post it here for you to see...
Another reason to smile? this job wraps the last day I am in the city before taking 2 weeks off in Baltimore for ChristmasCrazyFest 2008. And this job was, drumroll, please.... number 111 for the year... In all my years of owning and running my own business (that is many a moon, now) I have never broken 100 jobs in a calendar year. I just broke the record by well over 10 percent, and you figure 2 of those jobs were 10-12 month nightmares.. imagine how many we could have done if THOSE giant turds weren't on the schedule?!??! Ha!
Thanks to all those who have worked with me over the past year, and I look forward to seeing you all in the fresh new year of 2009... let's put 2008 out to pasture, already!
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