After reading so many horrible reviews about the new X Files movie "I Want to Believe" Alicia and I resigned ourself to the unpleasant fact that it must be terrible and that we would wait until cable or Netflix to watch it, if at all. Like an old relationship, we both thought it might be better to remember it fondly for the good times, rather than try to rekindle it only to have it burn and disappoint worse than ever before.
It's no secret that we were both horribly sad to see our beloved series die the way it did, way back in 2002. So when the reviews started piling up, and when B'More John said he was disappointed, we figured we'd let the dead rest in peace.
But after such a huge party weekend, we were so dead tired on Sunday that after brunch we bit the bullet and prepared for the worst, and ponied up for 2 tickets to see it.
Boy were we pleased! Maybe it's because our expectations were so low, or maybe because we were so tired.. but it really WAS just like a great longer version of an X-Files episode. Don't get me wrong, the critic's points are true... this episode was stand-alone, not following or furthering the mythology in any way, and doesn't even TRY to answer any of the 8 million loose ends the series left... but for a few fans who enjoy the characters and aren't expecting the second coming of film, this is MORE than a great way to spend a lazy Sunday evening. It was great to see the characters again, the cinematography was great, acting above what I expected, no "cringe" moments, a suitably creepy crime to investigate, and some deeper themes that made a summer popcorn film watchers brain feel well creeped-out.
Is it a great film? No. Is it the key to the X-Files universe? No. Does it do the franchise proud and make you want to see lots more? Without question!
In honor of the film, and David D's hit show "Californication" on Showtime, and also I guess in honor of his checking himself into Sex Addiction Therapy, I'll post for you a great one-hit wonder song by Bree Sharp, played (at Aliciia's insistence) every time we are in the car headed for Baltimore (without fail)...
Download: Bree Sharp: David Duchovny (Why Don't You Love Me?)
you forgot to mention the one thing many x-file fans have been waiting for, Mulder and Scully are finally together as a couple, although they cheat us out of any "love" scenes, there is some nice banter in bed, a much waited for deep kiss, AND Scully's slight glare as Amanda Peet's character wipes tissue off of Mulder's chin is priceless. Amanda Peet is cool and everything, but Scully can and would kick her ass. :)
I TRIED not to give away any SPOILERS!!!! really, that's blog 101! sheesh. Although lets face it... nobody on earth reads this blog anyway! plus nobody saw the movie either! i guess feel free to spoil away!
I read this blog!
But you're right. I didn't see the movie. I didn't see the first movie. I stopped watching the show season 4.
Mulder and Scully have good love scenes--but in different movies. Kalifornia comes to mind.
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