I tried to write this yesterday, but it was a crazy day (with work and class) and time got away from me.
Funny how I just described yesterday as "crazy." How quickly my brain forgets just what a crazy day IS. A truly crazy day finds you running late for work, hearing a "boom" outside as you scramble to get dressed and get out the door for work. You think to yourself "Sounds like rain... better bring the umbrella."
Crazy thing is, when you get outside, it's a beautiful sunny day. Your neighbors are all in front of your building, staring straight up at a smoking tower. You ask what happened? Malfunction? Pilot had a heart attack? Small plane? Big one? Nobody knows. You can smell the jet fuel burning. You look up at it. Away towards your neighbors. Back up. Back to them. Out of the corner of your eye, another "boom."
A crazy thought crosses your mind. "How could there be TWO malfunctions, only minutes apart?"
You go back upstairs, call the office, and tell everyone to go home.
You turn on the TV. You expect to see the towers burning on the screen. INSTEAD you see a burning Pentagon.
The day had only just BEGUN to get crazy.
I've been back to the site (or passed it) every year since on September 11th, but for some reason this year I just couldn't make time. Because, you know, it's been 7 whole years and all. And besides, I'm a very busy guy. Nothing stops. But today I regret it. I'm embarrassed that I didn't get to, but I figured If I posted here at least I could make up for it. I pulled a few songs and I really should leave it at that. Those stupid bumper stickers that say "Never Forget"? Well, they're not wrong for reminding us.
I'll be back to cheerier stuff tomorrow. Enjoy the music for today!
Download: Pearl Jam: The Long Road
Download: Pearl Jam: Untitled
Download: Pearl Jam: I Am Mine
Download: Eddie Vedder: Goodbye
Download: Eddie Vedder: Satellite
P.S... A day later, talking with a friend, we came to the conclusion that it takes a lot more than international terrorism to take ME out. God knows, bigger men have tried. Good Luck with that, North Fork Bank.
P.P.S... Happy 33rd birthday to Marty. Could anyone POSSIBLY have a worse birthdate?!?!?! Here's to at least 1 more!
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