The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford is not the movie the trailers would have you believe. Described by some marketing department somewhere as a cowboy tale of obsession, revenge and betrayal, this film has those elements of course, but is so much more beautiful and poetic and deeply serious and thoughtful than any trailer could possibly try to encapsulate.
The cinematography is unbelievable (the bizzare lensing that gives the distorted depth of field and rainbow-like visual artifacts is a beautiful, artistic sight to behold) the acting pitch perfect, the narration intelligent and thoughtful as it is sparse and poetic, the score (by Nick Cave!) haunting, piercing and deeply resonant, I simply could not look away from this movie. It is LONG. It is ponderous. it is morally ambiguous. It is documentary. It is drama. It is the movie I would like to think I would make if I made a movie on my own.*
Every year I keep my eyes peeled for one film that defies my preconcieved expectations... I think Mel Gibson's "Apocalypto" was the last time I have been so wrong about a film before actually seeing it. No Country For Old Men (although I had issues with it immediately after my first viewing) haunted my thoughts and dreams obsessively for the 3 months following. And I think I have this year's winner (although the year isn't over yet!).
This movie is definitely NOT for everyone. Hell, it's probably not even for MOST people. (Alicia fell asleep before the opening title sequence, and didn't even blink her eyes open until the closing credits) but my imagination was completely absorbed.
I cannot possibly reccomend this movie more for those cinefiles out there (you know who you are!) It's NOT Deadwood. It's NOT the Unforgiven. It's NOT Tombstone. It MIGHT be a masterpiece.
* (funny enough, it was given to me by a client/friend who is starting work on a new doc about Wyatt Earp, and wants to involve me not only in the design of the doc, but on visual/art direction for principal photography as well, and she told me to check this out and we'll have lots to talk about... fingers crossed if they want to go down such a creative route as this for OUR doc! talk about an opportunity!)
1 comment:
I was exhausted, I can't remember why, but I don't think I slept much the night before, it had nothing to do with the movie. I was just tired.
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