The Whopper Sacrifice, a new Facebook application from Burger King, pushes the limits to see how much a Whopper is worth. It's simple: Defriend 10 friends on Facebook and you get a free Whopper.
As Posted by Andi Wang on Gizmodo:
When I logged into Facebook today, I received a friend request from our recently departed intern, Seung, who I knew I was already friends with.
"Did you delete me on Facebook?!" I asked him. He responded with a cackle and told me that our friendship was definitely worth the cost of a Whopper. A few moments later, I realized that more Gizmodo staffers were doing the same. Goddammit, guys! I'm a human being, not a piece of meat!
Sacrifice your "friends" here.
I wish I could trade in some REAL people from my life and get free Whoppers... Well, I guess there is always Soylent Green.
thus makes me want to join facebook, just so I can de-friend people. Now, that's entertainment, and I don't even like whoppers...but you know my motto about free things.
ha ha ha
you do have a devilish side...
IIIIII like whoppers though... get a free one and III will eat it!
:) jv
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