Last night Gandmom Luh passed away, putting to end a long and protracted series of terrible injuries and hospitalizaions over the past year. I think we all feel about 3 parts grief, 1 part relief, that she is at peace with her husband, parents, brothers and sisters, and old German Shepherd "Fritz." (as a matter of fact, she is proabably up there with MY old dog "Patches" too, who absolutely adored her!!!)
A long and happy life, she lived in pretty much every part of this country (Colorado, Florida, MD, etc) and across just about every important development of the past 84 years. She had 3 sons and 2 grandchildren, who will miss her greatly.
When I was a kid, she picked me up from school every Tuesday (her day off from working at her Hallmark Store in Parkville) and watched me every Tuesday during the summers. Patches and I always looked forward to those days, and I can remember about 100 of them vividly. Childhood frinds of mine lived in her neighborhood, and visits were always looked forward to greatly. I teased her about her awful singing (it wasn't, really) and her awful cooking (It WAS, really), and always enjoyed going over to her house, the general "meeting place" for all of us on every major holiday. Christmas Eves and Easter Sundays, Thanksgiving Nights, Amanda's Birthdays... She was always there smiling and watching football and laughing with everyone, even when her pain and illnesses were more than most people would be able to bear.
Her Birthday was the 4th of July, and she told me when I was really little that all the fireworks and parades? those were for HER birthday... I believed her for a pretty long time. I still always laugh and think of that when Alicia and I watch the Macys fireworks off the coast of Manhattan.
We will all miss her very much.
***Alicia wrote more here.
Yes indeed, Grandmom Luh had three great loves in her life...her dog fritz, football and her grand
She always looked forward to visits from the grandkids and took a great deal of pleasure in
bragging about your accomplishments.
Unconditional love.yeah,that was your grandmom.
Wow John..that is absolutely beautiful. It certainly brought tears to my eyes. Everything you said was 100% correct. I loved Dot from the very moment I met her. My first memory was walking into her house with you, at barely 3 years old, and her putting her hands up to her mouth to keep from screaming and scaring you because she was so happy that I had a little boy and she loved you from the moment she set eyes on you. She RAN through the house yelling for Uncle Otts and Uncle Joe to "come see the adorable little boy"....and that winning smile was plastered all over her face.
She was a very very special lady.
Hey John,
Just took a look at your blog. Very sorry to hear about Grandmom
Luh. I will keep you, your family, and Grandmom Luh in my prayers.
What a sweet soul she was!
Take Care,
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