My lawyer just informed me that North Fork Bank is coming on strong right now, ratcheting up the attacks and pushing for some sort of immediate judgement of "No Contest" saying that my defense, while a strong moral one, has no legal strength.
I am sorry, call me naive, but I somehow still thought the 2 of those were sometimes the same thing. Stupid me.
Stupid me for believing that this system wouldn't screw an innocent person. The lawyer is going over the paperwork today/tonight with fresh eyes (it HAS been a year, after all!) and we'll try to get a plan tomorrow. His questions to ME were:
"Is your business still financially in peril like it was when we last spoke?"
(translation: you are in jeopardy.)
"Do you want to continue to fight?"
(translation: probably going to lose)
"How about Settlement?"
(translation: Banks are so desperate, they need to get SOMETHING")
My answer to all the above is an exasperated "Who the F*CK KNOWS???"
I feel like if we just plain out lose, I should have just skipped on the whole lawyer thing. Could have saved countless thousands of dollars.
Also, I figure if I AM being held liable, at least give me the freaking EQUIPTMENT/FURNITURE in that place!!! I KNOW it's still there, because I pass the old space once a week and look up into the big window and can see it all sitting right there!
I could sell it and get 30-40k I'm sure. Of course, had we all sold it over a YEAR ago like I TOLD them to, the bank would have gotten every red cent I'm sure. No harm, no foul.
If I SETTLE, then for how much? what is the rule of thumb for something like that? I have no frame of reference because I never saw DIME-ONE of that money to begin with... how can IIIII say how much imaginary loan I should have to pay back?? It might as well be a Quadrillion dollars. It might as well be McDonalds Monopoly coupons. Or Marlboro Bucks.
Stay tuned I guess. As It develops I'll post here.
What a joke.
In honor of the moment, here is a short but sweet Bootleg I have of Rage Against The Machine reunited in 2007 for the Coachella Festival.
The show is short and blistering. Sound quality's not very good, but hey, these songs aren't really about clear crisp audio and harmony. It's pretty much just about Rage. Against machines. Or something.
Rage Against The Machine: Live @ Coachella 2007
01. Testify
02. Bulls On Parade
03. People Of The Sun
04. Bombtrack
05. Bullet In The Head
06. Know Your Enemy
07. Down Rodeo
Here's the Zip!
Download: RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE: Live @ Coachella 2007 (zipped)
Download and enjoy!
AAARGH! How frustrating.
it's unbearable.
First Geoff is being transferred to a school that's actually worse then the Book, and now this, the only thing I can say is that you are in the right. Do you want me to come with you next time you have a meeting with the lawyer? I just can't believe there isn't anything more to do.
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